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(PDF)The Adventures of a Greenman Series: (Part 12) Raw Travel Italy

ByA Greenman

‘The Adventures of a Greenman' is an inspiring 15 part, short story series, about the real life experiences of a modern day nomad called Adam, who wanders his way around the earth for a decade. The parts collectively form the epic: 'I Travel Light: The Man Who Walked Out of the World'. In Part 12, Adam finds himself in wild Sicily, Italy, with only a day pack. Staying at deserted ruins and eating exotic fruits on his way, the nomad roams the land. He is nearing the end of this chapter of free roaming travel in his life, having journeyed in a raw and hardcore fashion for many years. Gradually, he is preparing himself for a more civilised kind of travel, to begin the enormous task of writing a book about his adventures over the last ten years, and answer the question: "What leads a young man to renounce everything he owns and knows, to wander the world for a decade?" He moves into a hostel outside of Naples, in Italy, experiencing a different world to that he has been used to in recent years. A true story.


Publication Date
Dec 21, 2011
Travel & Adventure
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): A Greenman



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