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Don't Put Baby In The Corner! A PG-Rated Guide To Parenting Advice Found In 1980s Movies.

ByAdam Keeble

A PG-rated Guide To Parenting Advice In 1980s Movies. DPBITC re-visits films I grew up with as a young teenager and considers them from a new perspective. For example, only when I became a parent did I understand why Darth Vader did what he did in The Empire Strikes Back – he was trying to look after his son, Luke. Darth might not be a nice guy but, all strangulation, mass murder and enslaving aside, he is a good dad. The current generation of parents is being told in books that they know nothing about looking after a child. My argument is that they know plenty, because they saw movies like Gremlins, The Shining, Pretty In Pink, Big and many others in their youth. With a foreword written by James Hampton (who played Michael J. Fox’s dad in Teen Wolf) DYBITC is a tongue-in-cheek guidebook for parents of children from newborns through teenagers.


Publication Date
Sep 28, 2011
Parenting & Families
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Adam Keeble



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