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Ward: The Third Dawn's Watch

ByAllison Cappelletti

Before my father died, he used to tell me and my sister a story every night before he left for work. They were stories of a world on fire, but full of heroes who’d rise to the call to save it. I was seventeen when my quiet world caught flame, a string of murders in my little town. I didn’t know how it all would end when I set out to try to fight back, but I didn’t think it would get weirder from there. I didn’t expect to run into the Third Dawn’s Watch, a unit of vampires and their providers who hunt down vampires who break feeding laws. I hadn’t really expected there to be a big enough vampire population for them to have laws, or a program for misplaced youths that could house a girl who’s vampire hunting endeavors made her a target for a vampire gone rogue. The idea was I’d become one of the coven’s wards. I’d keep my head down and wait for the Third Dawn’s Watch to kill the rogue so I could go home. But turns out the world’s on fire no matter where you go. Staying out of trouble? Not likely.


Publication Date
Jun 13, 2014
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Allison Cappelletti



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