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WHAT IS THIS PROJECT ABOUT? See the above publication titled "HOW" for directions on getting the most out of this site. Each work contains one or two cover pages, a preview link for additional material, and a download that contains the rest of it.

ByA.N. Onymous

This download is from 2-7-04. It's a rough draft of thoughts that were eventually formed into book proposals and sent off to publishing houses, literary agents, etc. before the discovery of and the creative control that it offers. I come here by choice, not out of desperation. I intend to prove this by auctioning the unopened replies, some of which were from major players in the industry. I decided long ago that they didn't fit my style. Look for a publication to be uploaded soon that details this upcoming eBay auction, and the unique items included, such as the literary rights to my book. Also included will be all related production material and instructions on how to use the original platform that I am constructing from 100%%%% free tools and existing websites in order to create a path that others with limited resources might follow to be a published author. In addition, one lucky person can buy themselves the title of Author/Publisher by winning the auction and placing their name on this work.


Publication Date
Oct 2, 2011
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): A.N. Onymous



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