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AMCS The Outline (An Outline On Trying To Get Help When In A Most Complex Situation / Homelessness)

ByBill Thomas

A Synopsis on AMCS (Brief Description) Believe it or not, AMCS The Outline was written as part of a journal while being in a most complex situation. Literally trying to decide how to deal with the situation myself. Fighting off the oppression that comes along with finding out that it’s happening to you, then trying to find the job that you need, after finding a temporary place to stay to get the job and save the money to get the permanent place to stay… and of course if it were all that easy, wondering how could it have happened in the first place… “I asked the question to myself; Is there a progressive process, one that connects all of the agencies, which one would seek help? It didn’t seem like a difficult process, and after thinking about it, it could work, but only if there is such a process; are they set at stops; where they literally help move those who need their help from one stage to the other: from Shelter to Housing,. Or is that an objective to resolving the problem in the future?”


Publication Date
Oct 1, 2011
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Bill Thomas




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