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Drinking and Driving War in America

ByChris Overbey

If you drink, take prescription medicine or drive late at night this book is for you. You can take your family to dinner and have a few drinks, drive home and it can land you in prison! Because of the fear Mothers Against Drunk Driving has instilled in the nation, You do not have to be drunk to go to jail. Do you go out with friends and have a few drinks? It can land you in jail. You can drive on prescription medicine only and go to jail. Is the drunk driving problem as big as they say? No, it is a flat out lie. MADD and law enforcement is out to get you. You can get charged for drunk driving even if you are not driving a car! If you think it cannot happen to you, guess again. About 2 million people each year are arrested for drunk driving. Are you one of the more than 10 million of Americans that have been arrested for drunk driving and you are mad at MADD? You need this book. You are about to learn all about Drinking and Driving War in America, and what you can do to stop it.


Publication Date
Nov 4, 2011
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Chris Overbey



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