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Tapping into Christian Power Daily

ByDavid Bergsland

This is written for people in church who want power in their lives and/or see no power in their church. This is not meant to be nice, polite, feel-good teaching to tickle your ears. This is meant to slap you upside the head, get your attention, and let you know how much power is available for you to use in your daily walk with Jesus. Walking in the Spirit is radical Christianity— allowing the presence of God to infuse your life. This book is written by a man who has known the Lord in this radical manner since 1974. To me the Christian walk is life & death You either do it or you fry. My goal is to help make sure you make it into the presence of God and that Jesus knows you when you drop your earth suit and head for the marriage supper of the Lamb. What could be worse (after spending your life going to church) than to have Jesus speak the words He warned of in Matthew 7? “I don’t know you.”


Publication Date
Oct 2, 2011
Personal Growth
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): David Bergsland



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