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Overcoming Infertility

ByDr. Judith Jones

This book describes many of the causes of infertility and many of the simple steps couples must consider to overcome the problem. The environmental causes of infertility are discussed as well as new medical procedures that may be suggested by doctors. By reading this book, couples can begin to prepare for the process of overcoming infertility. A good deal of the book discusses eating – one of life’s little pleasures. Those little pleasures become extremely important to a woman who wishes to become pregnant. For example: that cup of coffee needed to start the day and keep you functioning in high gear – may be keeping you from becoming pregnant. In preparation for pregnancy coffee and cola drinks need to go off the menu. A woman who thinks she will give up smoking when she become pregnant, must decide if she really wants to have children. Smoking is a known cause of infertility. There are other environmental causes of infertility in both men and women that are discussed in the book.


Publication Date
Sep 28, 2011
Health & Fitness
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Dr. Judith Jones



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