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Osha-Ifa Rules for Santeros -Iyawo, Oloshas, Babaloshas and Iyaloshas- In accordance tradition, priests’ wisdom and practice, to the letters (signs) of the Dilogun Oracle and the Odun of Ifa

ByErnesto Valdés Jane

Usually printed in 3 - 5 business days
The book "Osha Ifa Rules for Santeros” is a set of guidelines which Babalosha and Iyalosha must practice. They are the result of tradition, knowledge, priests's practice, the Letters of the Dilogun and the Odun of Ifa. These Rules will contribute to create a stable and respectful relation among the godfather and his god children; acquire appropriate habits in religious and social behaviour in community; learn to govern his or her way of being and reach a superior spirituality that will permit him or her to obey his Yoko Osha Ita. Also, they help gain harmony in life, equilibrium and the spiritual improvement which were the main reasons to accept Osha Ifa. "Osha Ifa Rules for Santeros" are a support to know the Santería's basic conceptions. The practice of these conceptions for Santeros - Iyawo recently initiated, Olosha, Babalosha, Iyalosha and Babalawo permit them to enjoy prestige in society for his or her behaviour.


Publication Date
Mar 9, 2012
Religion & Spirituality
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Ernesto Valdés Jane


Perfect Bound
Interior Color
Black & White
US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)

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