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Broken Toys

ByGeorge Maris

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As children discard their favorite toys,society finds a place for its undesirables. Broken by rules and government politics, they no longer fit, what society considers norm. They are placed in institutions, prisons and nursing homes. This book will astound the curiosity of the reader. My hopes are to make emphasis on how society parallels the community with objects that are no longer in use, or what I may call broken toys. As a child discards and loses interest in what once was his greatest value . Like toys that are out dated or broken, they lay to bottom of closets or worse off thrown away. What once was so joyful is now replaced but what society refers to as upgraded or conforming. What happens to those broken toys as they decay like garbage in a refuge?, no longer useful and lost throughout the years. Have we become in essence those broken toys no longer useful, put away and have lost all it’s value.


Publication Date
Dec 17, 2008
Personal Growth
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): George Maris


Saddle Stitch
Interior Color
Black & White
US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)

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