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Sphere of Influence

ByJ J Dickie

Sphere of Influence blends gritty realism with spirituality and human emotion to explore our journey through life. Are our choices really our own or are some pre-destined? Can we learn from our mistakes or are we playing out the roles we need to further our knowledge? The novel follows a group of friends and explores how their actions and choices, whether conscious or sub-conscious have a lasting and often disastrous impact on those around them both in life and death. Spanning almost twenty years and taking place in a variety of UK and European locations,we are led through and share in the complex and often painful intricate lives of a colourful group of friends, neighbours, work colleagues and their families. Gritty, uncompromising and sometimes controversial, the story is peppered throughout with Scottish dialect and humour,warmth, real love and a quest to find out into what and who really matter to us. Contains frequent strong language,passages of a sexual nature and some violence.


Publication Date
Oct 23, 2012
Parenting & Families
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): J J Dickie



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