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Start Earning With Simple Freelance Jobs Online

ByJocelyn Soriano

I wrote this book because I have found many people who needed extra money (myself included) but did not know where they could possibly find it. I have also encountered many people who thought that making money through the internet is too complicated for them. On the other hand, I’ve discovered that there are many things that are simple enough to do such as copying data or transcribing audio which needs skills as simple as being able to read and write and being able to listen to an audio recording. That is why I have ordered the contents of this book from the simplest to the more complicated ways of earning money online. This book is for people who are in crisis and need to make some decent money online This book is for people who want to leave their jobs but can’t because they could find no means by which to temporarily support themselves. This book is for people who want to find the freedom to finally follow their passion.


Publication Date
Mar 22, 2012
Computers & Technology
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Jocelyn Soriano



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