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E = 7B2^44 Gao’s Equation in relation to three tides of global immigration and strategic longevity

ByJohnson K. Gao

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The author indicates that the Earth has a weight of about 6 x 10^24 kg. The world population is about 7 x 10^9. Suppose that the averaging weight per man is 50 kg, the total weight of human being is approximately about 3.5 x 10^11 kg. The result of the double increment of 2^44 obtained is 17.59 x 10^12. Now, let us use 3.5 x 10^11 kg multiply by 17.59 x 10^12. It produces 6.15 x 10^24 kg, which is a little bit heavier than the weight of the Earth (6x10^24 kg). When the human being’s weight is heavier than the Earth, which means the Earth will turn into a giant meatball constituted with fresh human bodies. How could the human being continue to live without any materials to support their life? If the population doubling time is 35 years, then the Doomsday could be in A. D. 3552. Because the farm land is limited and the ocean is about 7/10 of the Earth's surface, there will be tree global immigration tides towards rich countries, the deserts and the ocean before the Doomsday. The industry must match with it.


Publication Date
Feb 22, 2017
Education & Language
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Johnson K. Gao


Perfect Bound
Interior Color
Black & White
US Letter (8.5 x 11 in / 216 x 279 mm)

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