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A Study of James G. Tunny, 1820 - 1887

ByJulian Bukits

Despite there being much documented facts about James G. Tunny’s life, what little that has been collated relates only to his photographic career. But, beyond the realm of his studio, Tunny’s domestic affairs and political life also make intriguing reading. Married, and widowed three times, Tunny fathered eleven children. His choice of names for three of his offspring clearly indicates his political inclination. He had a reputation for being a staunch radical, aligned to Edinburgh’s Advanced Liberals, committed to bringing about social reforms for the working class. Drawing on research sources such as national archives, contemporary newspaper reports, photographic journals and the Internet, I have pieced together the photographic career of Tunny, setting it in the context of his domestic life, political interests, and the history of early photography. The more facts I uncovered about Tunny, the more intrigued I became about why such a prominent man would have been disregarded so quickly after his death.


Publication Date
Sep 29, 2011
Biographies & Memoirs
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Julian Bukits



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