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Down the Bunny Hole - (Fetish Dreams Erotica)

ByLeona D. Reish

Michelle was a quiet, bookish girl that didn't ask for much in life, and certainly didn't engage in sexual deviances. That was before she met 'him', the man who changed her, both tamed and set something within her lose. Love does funny things to people like that, and now things aren't as simple for her. It comes as no surprise to Mike, then, when she accepts his request to abuse the academic facilities set aside for her bachelors project at her university for a vial of something special. It's safe and natural, but better served via her acaedmic equipment. Michelle's addiction to the sexual pleasure he gives her will see her bend rules and try something she doesn't expect at all. When consciousness slips from her, she'll be sent deep down the bunny hole where her wildest sexual fantasies pale in comparison to what can be done to her there, and finds herself consensually spending her lucid dream in a nest of tentacles and bliss.


Publication Date
Jun 4, 2013
Parenting & Families
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Leona D. Reish



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