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Thank-You, A Journal of Gratitude

ByNikhil Bhardwaj

A gratitude journal is a diary of the positive things in our lives. By consciously focusing our attention on the things to which we are grateful we create a shift in our thoughts to the positive. This beautiful journal contains 150 thankful quotes by an eclectic group of artists, spirtual teachers, world leaders, writers and many others. Use the quotes to inspire your own sense of gratitude. Each day write down five things for which you are grateful. It could be great or small: a smile from a stranger, the scent of a beautiful flower, the warm sun on your face or a wonderful day spent with a friend. Gratitude journals condition our brains to start thinking positive thoughts. For many of us our internal dialogue is full of negative judgments.Not surprisingly these judgments are conditioning how we feel about ourselves and others.


Publication Date
Sep 30, 2011
Religion & Spirituality
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Nikhil Bhardwaj



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