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Follow the Easterly Wind

ByPatricia Yam

Huang Mei Zi was a gifted dancer who has been studying Chinese Classical and Folk Dance since her childhood days. Mei Zi’s mother, a well known professional Chinese cultural dancer, trained Mei Zi so that she may follow her footsteps someday. As a teenager growing up in United States, Mei Zi wanted to be just like her friends and to possess the freedom to do what she wanted. At the time, she wanted to become a member of her school’s dance club. Mei Zi’s decision had resulted in conflicts with her mother. With the persuasion of Mei Zi’s father and grandfather, her mother finally allowed Mei Zi to join the dance club under one condition: she had to continue to study Chinese dancing. After her experience with the dance team and learning about how the Chinese Cultural Revolution had impacted her mother’s career decision, Mei Zi’s attitude towards Chinese cultural dance took on a new perspective. Thus, she finally made her final decision about her career choice.


Publication Date
Sep 28, 2011
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Patricia Yam



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