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Teshuva According to Rambam: Hilchot Teshuva

ByRavMatis Weinberg

This work is based on various lectures given over the course of many years by Rav Matis Weinberg, built primarily upon 15 lectures called Rova Yehudi Teshuva Series-2005. I also incorporated partial transcriptions from various other lectures given on this topic which will give you a deeper understanding or touch on topics not discussed in the Rova Yehudi Series. I elected to put this transcript in chapter order as opposed to lecture order. When beginning a particular chapter I would suggest that you begin with the Rova Yehudi Teshuva Series for that given chapter being that it will give you a complete picture, whereas the other lectures only add additional points. I strongly urge you to listen to these lectures online as there is no substitute for hearing the words directly from the Rav. I hope that you find this transcription helpful in furthering your understanding of this most amazing and powerful tool called "Teshuva".


Publication Date
Sep 22, 2012
Religion & Spirituality
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): RavMatis Weinberg



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