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Heavenly Lessond From Pastor Smith

BySarah Smith

Mary wasn’t herself when she was agreeing to the solemn vows of marriage, as she marrying Pastor Richards. She stood in awe with the man in front of her, the man that the whole congregation trusted with their lives, their secrets. He was a very charismatic man who held any audience with ease. There she was presenting to herself to him to be at his disposal as a wife, forever his and he forever hers. She stood a virgin and was presented to him as such. She was a woman of great beauty but tonight, Pastor Richards was going to make her a complete woman. Two moths quickly passed after their marriage and she has been disappointed as she has been on their wedding night – they haven’t had any kind of sex ever. On the first few days she took it as a sign of respect. The days wore on and she began to doubt herself. The Pastor never showed any sign of disrespect or discontent, he had been exactly the way he was since they got married, respectful and caring. He would kiss her passionately but that was about it.


Publication Date
Dec 11, 2012
Parenting & Families
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Sarah Smith



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