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Secrets of an Over 50 Former Fat Man

ByScott Deuty

Follow the journey of a man who loses nearly 60 pounds and keeps it off due to a lifestyle change. More than just another "what" to do book, this work provides valuable insight into obtaining fitness as well as retaining fitness all while enjoying the process. The story unfolds as it happens in an interesting documentary that anyone can implement whether you are young or above 50. The work does focus on an area that has little material available; men over 50. Whereas most books focus on an exercise routine and stringent diet, this work targets the main methods for losing weight in a sensible, enjoyable manner. The main theme centers on the mental effort rather than the physical. We all have the power of choice in life. Once you decide you desire a certain look, use these methods to achieve the same success as the author by implementing a lifestyle change.


Publication Date
Oct 28, 2014
Health & Fitness
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Scott Deuty



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