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The Lord God Prophesies Against the Earthly Nations

ByThe Holy Spirit and Yeensai ha Navi

The Holy Spirit says To allow for better understanding of that being voiced to that written within the book manuscript the man {must First} read the book {titled: The Lord God Unveiling Truths}. The Holy Spirit prophesied to this generation {the Lord God New Covenant {from{Mark 4:22-25..“All that is now hidden will someday come to light. If you have ears listen. And be sure to put into practice what you hear. The more you do this the more you will understand what I tell you. {To him who has shall be given ..From him who has not shall be taken away even what he has}. The Holy Spirit instructs within the entire manuscript revealing the Almighty Father Words from the Holy Scriptures {Sharing the biblical untold story}. This is the Lord God Gift of Mercy and Warning to Man. There is no personal revenue received from this book as being instructed from the Holy Spirit. The pricing listed being for the publishing company distribution cost. The book can be also accessed as a {FREE} download.


Publication Date
Sep 8, 2012
Religion & Spirituality
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): The Holy Spirit and Yeensai ha Navi



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