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101 "Everyday" Tips for Losing 10 Pounds!

ByTim Wharton

Who Else Could Use 101 'Everyday' Ways to Lose 10 Pounds or more and Keep it Off! You've been putting it off too long. Hey, everyone needs to lose weight from time to time. You're no different! The world is over-saturated with temptation. With a McDonalds or Burger King on every corner, how is one supposed to keep the weight off? What is one to do? Stop eating? Work out three times a day! NO!!! There is something you can do about it, however. Are you ready? Here it comes... What you need are... Are you ready to drop those extra pounds you've been carrying around? If you want to start losing weight, just slightly tweak the habits you are already used to. Eat, but eat different. Don't sit when you can stand. They are little things, but...'s the little things that make up the extra inches around your waist line! Give me 15 to 20 minutes and I'll show you how to get results you can measure... by your waistline!


Publication Date
Aug 6, 2010
Health & Fitness
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Tim Wharton



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