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Give this book away

ByTrish Papadakos

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What could you have lived without today? Apparently… much more thank you think: less caffeine, fewer preservatives in your food, less clothes that you no longer wear, fewer distractions, less of those bad clients, less books that you don’t have time to read, that second bottle of wine last night… and the list goes on. The good news is, you can start to live with less right now. Grab a copy of this book, turn to the middle and tear it into two books (a sharp blade will do the trick) and give one of them away. Now you can use the pages in the same way you would use a cheque book. Remember, it’s not about throwing away junk, it’s about sharing the things you don’t need with the people who do. Once you start, you’ll get the hang of it. Thanks to… the honest answers of people we know and many people whom we’ve never met, we were able to uncover things that people could live without — or at least less of — all around the world and share them with you.


Publication Date
Apr 12, 2009
Personal Growth
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Trish Papadakos


Perfect Bound
Interior Color
Black & White
Pocket Book (4.25 x 6.875 in / 108 x 175 mm)

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