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What is it you want to know about the author? I guess that should be, what do you want to know about me? That may be one of the first things I'd like to mention. I have seen God's sense of humor. Did you ever watch that one movie about Jesus that showed how He loved to play with children? Jesus laughed in that movie a number of times. I think everyone should know Jesus well enough to see His humorous side. Once you see that, you can say, “I've met the living God.” It took a major loss in my life to see Jesus' personality and all the ways He had been reaching out. So my books center on how Jesus reached out to people in all those stories in scripture. That is a unique writing style that is rare in any generation. And I thank God, He has been patient enough with me to wait until I was ready to listen. That is where I'd like to see people get with their relationship with God.