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Image of Author Roberto Denaro Styles

Roberto Denaro Styles

Roberto Denaro Styles is a world renown published poet/author/writer. He has been writing for well over 20 years. His diverse brand of expressions provides the reader with words that exude immense passion while creating visual imagery which captures minds and imaginations. With a vast array of topics, he tackles the many social issues and injustices that we face in our society today. As well, he dives into love, romance and intimacy, providing that sensual prose for those couples looking to keep those fires ignited. In his continual growth as a writer, he also pens erotica which also displays his talents as a short story writer. He is author of "The Love Jones Diaries", "Memoirs of my poetic diaries" & his erotic poetry debut, the highly acclaimed "Passions Inferno". These titles are available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble in E Book & Paperback addition. He is also the author of these newly released titles "Drips from my inkwells" & "Enter the erogenous zone: Lovers escapades"