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Image of Author Reesa Mercer-Walsh

Reesa Mercer-Walsh

The author was born in Chicago, Illinois during the time that her father was a sailor in the United States Navy. Her family only lived there until she was five. At five years of age her father moved them to Muhlenberg County, Kentucky where she would spend the next 20 years. Muhlenberg County is famous for the song by John Prine, "Daddy Won't You Take Me Back to Muhlenberg County." During her lifetime she has lived in many states and across the Atlantic Ocean in the Republic of Ireland. She has met thousands of unique souls serving many different purposes and has enjoyed every minute of her life. She has learned a lot of lessons. She considers herself to be a student first and foremost, and a teacher second. She likes to write in plain talk. She hopes you enjoy reading her work. Her goal is to make you stop and analyze, use reason and logical thought, and easily understand what she has written and why. Truth is always stranger than fiction.