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Image of Author Victoria Hecnar

Victoria Hecnar

From a very young age, author Victoria Hecnar was astonished and engrossed in books, literature, and every form of writing. Since a young child, she would attempt to write short stories and novels. Her first novel that she had completed was “Five Hearts”, which was written in the year of 2009. Becoming mesmerized by its characters and plot (but not too crazy about the way it was written), Victoria wrote “Mackenzie High” in 2012. “Mackenzie High” consists of the same characters as her first novel, but written stronger with a few different twists. Like the Mackenzie Highers, Victoria auditioned and was accepted to a gifted arts high school for drama. After high school, Victoria attended college and earned an associate’s degree in Early Childhood Development & Education. She is currently attending university to earn a bachelor’s degree in English Literature & Creative Writing.