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Image of Author Andi Bowe

Andi Bowe

Andi Bowe obtained a Master's in Education specializing in Instructional Technology from Grand Canyon University in 2005 and graduated Walden University in August 2013, completing an Education Specialist degree, foregoing a PhD, while dealing with the loss of sight in one eye and glaucoma surgeries. She has written numerous books and published many photobooks of the Pacific NW and the San Juan Islands. Her mom, Clara Olive Bowe, just passed on less than one month before her 103rd birthday. Andi cared for her mom at home for many years and she has been a single mother and home school mom of five unique and talented children. She believes in a mutable universe informed from within with a vital force (soul) or noetic sciences. Her CV is online at CSIRI.Org, where she is the Director/CEO, carrying on the work of her mentor Dr. Frederick Bernard Wood, 1917-2006, inventor of first radar sets in WWII. He was one of the Fathers of General Systems Theories, wrote first Berkeley Radiation Lab Safety Journals, worked for MIT & IBM as an EE (where his development of fractal computer programs was stolen and given to Mandelbrot) and many more accomplishments too numerous to mention here.