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Image of Author chris symonds

chris symonds

Hi My main purpose for writing this novel was therapy at a time when I was unwell. Timbrel came to life after a period of two years then sat as a manuscript for another 3 years before I published it on Lulu. I am a born again Christian who believes that the Bible is God's words to mankind regarding how we should live in relation to Him and each other. Writing fiction is not truth in the same sense the bible is. To write a work of fiction often requires one to either suspend certain truths or work those truths into a story without compromising or losing those truths we hold dear. I hope my attempt hasn't compromised my world view. I don't believe in Fairies or alternate realities. Timbrel is a story about faith. Faith in love, friendship and and hope.It is dedicated to someone I love as a daughter so even though I no longer have contact with her she inspired me to publish this work. God bless you Sarah