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Image of Author Jan Constable

Jan Constable

Jan Constable was born and brought up in the home counties of England, where she thought her destiny lay, that was until she found herself catapulted away from the place she called home to Dubai, then a relatively unknown desert kingdom. Jan was 27, newly married and ill-equipped for such an about-turn in her life. It was a tough assignment but in those days, 1970 to be precise, there was no let out clause! On May 8th l97O thus began quite a remarkable journey, which to this day still continues, spanning almost half a century. In her book, Jan recounts her experiences, varying between terrifying, amusing and simply amazing during her time in the young burgeoning Dubai. I am sure you will be captivated. Jan's book, The Adventures of a Girl Wearing Pearls was prompted by her very successful blog Tiptoeing into the Bloody Abroad.