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Anorexics and Bulimics Anonymous

First Edition - eBook

ByAnorexics and Bulimics Anonymous

Anorexia and bulimia nervosa are widely regarded as the most lethal of mental illnesses. Baffling and incomprehensible to all concerned and to normal folk, these maladies have also confounded health-care professionals for decades. Anorexics and Bulimics Anonymous provides a solution to the quandary of these disorders. Derived from the live experience of our thirty-year-old Fellowship of recovering anorexics and bulimics, this textbook contains all the information we have come to regards as vital to full recovery from our deadly affliction. Using the addiction model of the 12-Step Program has led us to a level of freedom from our mental obsession that none of us could have dreamed possible. In the words from the Preface, "We have become walking miracles, acknowledged as such by those who knew us when we were the walking dead." The reader will be led on a fascinating journey through the insanity of these disorders, culminating in a magnificent vision of hope. Directed towards those trapped in the labyrinth of eating disorders, their families, and their therapists, the text lays out in precise detail the steps we took, the tools we used, and the love that grew in us, the healing we received. Richly illustrated from true-life experience and complete with a compilation of personal stories by individual members, the text will capture the reader from its opening page.


Publication Date
Jan 22, 2021
Personal Growth
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Anorexics and Bulimics Anonymous



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