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Myths That Every Child Should Know

Myths That Every Child Should Know

By$2 Publishing House

These stories vary greatly in details; they fit every climate and wear the peculiar dress of every country; but it is easy to see that they are made up of the same materials, and that they describe the same persons or ideas or things whether they are told in Greece or India or Norway or Brittany. Wherever they are found they make it certain that they come from a very remote time and grew out of ideas or feelings and ways of looking at the world which a great many men shared in common in many places. Myths That Every Child Should Know is a collection of the long lost tales that are told and being retold but which few people know as to their origin and the inspiration that brought them into being. This selection are among the greatest classic myths of all times that no child should miss. Myths That Every Child Should Know is now available in downloadable PDF ebook format.


Publication Date
Jun 15, 2012
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): $2 Publishing House



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