Michael Mc Aloran born in Belfast, (1976). His work has appeared in various zines, magazines & anthologies. He is the author of a number of collections of poetry, prose poetry, aphorisms and prose, most notably "Attributes", (Desperanto, NY, 2011), "The Non Herein" & "Of Dead Silences" (Lapwing Publications, 2011/ 2013), "All Stepped/ Undone", (retired), "Of the Nothing Of", "The Zero Eye", "The Bled Sun", "In Damage Seasons",(Oneiros Books (U.K)-2013/ 14); "Code #4 Texts", a collaboration with the Netherlands' poet, Aad de Gids, was also published in 2014 by Oneiros. "Un-Sight/ Un-Sound (delirium X.)", was published by gnOme books, & "EchoNone" was published by Oneiros Books 2015. A number of prose poetics were published in 2016 by Black Editions Press which led to the publication in 2017 by Editions du Cygne of "longshadowfall". "catascope" was released 2018, with further books, 'the black vault', 'all null having', 'nowhereon', 'cold zero reflect' by VoidFront Press (U.S) in 2018/ 2019. Black Editions Press also released "[unspoken]" & "Untitled #2" in 2019 & 2020 saw the release of "in dim forgotte(n)" by Infinity Land Press, (U.K) & "(dead tones)" by Black Editions Press. "Nothing Ever", "Triad", (omnibus) & "OF THE NOTHING OF", (a reissue) were published in 2021 by Oneiros Books, (U.K)...