Pasayadan is a prayer offered by Saint Jnaneshwar Maharaj (Most revered saint of Maharashtra, India) at the feet of his great spiritual master, Saint Nivrittinath after completing the holy grantha Shri Jnaneshwari (commentary on Shrimad Bhagavad Gita) . It is a divine prayer for the peace of the entire universe. It is a prayer for the well being of the entire human race consisting of all virtuous, good, and evil people. In this prayer, Saint Janeshwar asks his most revered Guru for the world peace, spread of religiosity, spiritualism, and the universal brotherhood at the personal, family, town, country, and the entire universal level. At the end, Sadguru Nivrittinath blesses his disciple by saying "This gift has been endowed to you. Your desires will be definitely fulfilled".
This ebook presents this prayer in its original Sanskrit form, an English transliteration, and English translation. The specially formatted for ebook reader makes it easy for you to carry it around with you every day.
- Publication Date
- Jan 8, 2009
- Language
- English
- Category
- Religion & Spirituality
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): ABCOM
- Format