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The Cartoonist Cookbook B&W Softcover

The Cartoonist Cookbook B&W Softcover

Acheron Press 106

ByAcheron Press

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Submitted in Softcover and Hardcover! A True Piece of Comic History! Let’s start with sketches by Neal Adams and Charles Shulz, then go from there. What am I talking about? A savory compound of cartoonist and cookbook by 45 of the great American Cartoonists - each with his favorite menu and recipes, a camera profile, a biographical sketch, an original cartoon, plus warm and amusing anecdotes. A most astonishing comics art and culinary guide. A retro 1966 treasure! A Who’s Who of top Cartoonists from the mid-1960s! Softcover B&W. Read the list of contributors all the way through! Neal Adams did "Ben Casey" cartoon. Alfred Andriola did "Kerry Drake". Dick Brooks did the "Jackson Twins". Dik Browne did "Hi and Lois". Milton Caniff did "Steve Canyon". Al Capp did "L'il Abner". Mel Casson did "Sparky". Dick Cavalli did "Winthrop". Roy Crane did "Buzz Sawyer". Tony Di Preta did "Joe Palooka". Stan Drake did "The Heart of Juliet Jones". Lee Falk did "Mandrake the Magician". Chester Gould did "Dick Tracy". Harold Gray did "Little Orphan Annie". Vernon Greene did "Bringing up Father". Harry Haenigsen did "Penny". Pete Hansen did "Lolly". Johnny Hart did "B. C." Bill Holman did "Smoky Stover". Jud Hurd did "Health Capsules and Ticker Toons". Allan Jaffee did "Tall Tales". Ferd Johnson did "Moon Mullins". Mell Lazarus did "Miss Peach". Lank Leonard did "Mickey Finn". Bill Lignante did "Let's Explore Your Mind". John J. Liney, Jr. did "Henry (Daily Strip)". Bob Lubbers did "Secret Agent X-9". Reverand Justin McCarthy (Father Mac) did "Brother Juniper". Virgil Partch did "Big George". Irving Phillips did "The Strange World of Mr. Mum". Ed Reed did "Off the Record". Allen Saunders & Ken Ernst did "Mary Worth". Charles Schulz did "Peanuts". Don Sherwood did "Dan Flagg". Al Smith did "Mutt and Jeff". Doctor Athelstan Spilhaus did "Our New Age". Leonard Starr did "On Stage". Jack Tippit did "Amy". Don Tobin did "The Little Woman". Don Trachte did "Henry (Sunday Comic Page)". Buford Tune did "Dottie". Raeburn VanBuren did "Abby an' Slats". Al Vermer did "Priscilla's Pop". Mort Walker did "Beatle Bailey". Bill Yates did "Professor Phumble".


Publication Date
Nov 23, 2023
Comics & Graphic Novels
No Known Copyright (Public Domain)
Compiled by: Acheron Press


Binding Type
Paperback Perfect Bound
Interior Color
Black & White
US Letter (8.5 x 11 in / 216 x 279 mm)

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