“It’s a secret to everyone.” This free-use public domain book contains 300 ideas to put into any new video game. As far as is known the ideas contained here have not yet been used. The book can also serve as a lot of “food for thought.” They are not synopsis based ideas here but rather element based ideas. This book was hand written and contains a number of drawings. This book may be used with or without credit and shared, as it is in the public domain.
- Publication Date
- Jun 6, 2023
- Language
- English
- Category
- Games
- Copyright
- Creative Commons Zero (CC 0)
- Contributors
- By (author): Adam Jeremy Capps
- Format
new game ideasall new ideasbook of ideasfor video gamesvideo gamesvideo game ideasvideo game conceptspublic domainadam jeremy cappsthings to includegreat game ideasbest game ideasideas fornever before usedfree ideasgame designsthings for gamesgame makingoriginal ideas fornew game elementsgood game ideashand writtenwith drawingsillustrated