Lorenzo De 'Medici meets Bill Gates. Lorenzo: "In my time, by means of my wealth, I sponsored the Renaissance of arts and culture, and I was of great help to the scientific genius of Leonardo Da Vinci ..." Bill: "Thanks to the people's thirst for knowledge, and their aspiration to communicate, I got wealthy more than anyone else, in my time ..." Lorenzo: "So, my dear Bill, the important part of your work has still to be completed!" As the De' Medici family sponsored the first Renaissance in 1500, nowaday we need the "Medici" families of today to sponsor the Space Renaissance, in order to allow our seven billion people civilization to continue. Our three theses: The Status of the Civilization, The Status of the New Space Economy, A Program for the Ignition of the Space Renaissance.
- Publication Date
- Apr 6, 2011
- Language
- English
- 9781447606376
- Category
- Business & Economics
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Adriano V. Autino, By (author): Patrick Q. Collins, By (author): Alberto Cavallo
- Format