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Critical Care Medicine An Algorithmic Approach

Critical Care Medicine An Algorithmic Approach

ByAlexander Goldfarb-Rumyantzev

Critical Care Medicine is a broad subject that covers many areas and almost all subspecialties of internal medicine. As one might remember from one’s years in residency, the ICU rotation is exciting and the favorite of many. In this book we discuss practical issues of critical care medicine divided into chapters by subspecialty. Speci¿cally, we separated the following aspects of critical care medicine: respiratory, cardiac and circulation, infectious disease, water and electrolytes and acid-base disorders, acute kidney injury and dialysis, gastroenterology, rheumatology, endocrinology, neurology, and COVID-19. Arguably, many aspects of critical care medicine are also relevant to general internal medicine. In eect, critical care is an internal medicine subspecialty focused on very sick people (plus invasive procedures). As such, the chapters in this book are applicable to the practice of general medicine as well. Therefore, the intended audience for this book includes critical care practitioners, as well as internal medicine physicians, and fellows and residents in critical care, internal medicine, and its subspecialties.


Publication Date
Apr 16, 2022
Science & Medicine
No Known Copyright (Public Domain)
By (author): Alexander Goldfarb-Rumyantzev



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