The work titled "Innocent World", Ami Sakurai's debut novel, was published in 1996 and created a great sensation in Japanese publishing industry in no time. It was later translated into many languages and made into a commercial film, and has been attracting a global attention.
After rising to stardom overnight, Ms. Sakurai published her second work "Girl" in 1997. Nearly two decades later, the work was reborn as an English work titled "Girl recruits her God", and is about to be made into a movie by the author herself.
"I have definitely wanted to get this work translated into English and make it into a movie."
Ms. Sakurai said so, and talked about everything regarding her intention for this work and the film-making. This is a must-read interview featuring Ami Sakurai, the one and the only existence embodying high school girls' culture that "Cool Japan" is proud of.
- Publication Date
- Apr 20, 2016
- Language
- English
- 9781365060823
- Category
- Biographies & Memoirs
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Ami Sakurai
- Format