A Bilingual Reader. Juan and Maria. Filipino Tales: English-Bulgarian Parallel Text
This bilingual reader is designed for Bulgarians who need to improve their English, but can also be used by English speakers who study the Bulgarian language. It presents twelve Filipino folk tales in parallel text: English on the left and Bulgarian on the right.
1. Juan and Maria — Хуан и Мария
2. Truth and Falsehood — Истината и лъжата
3. How Juan Married a Princess — Как Хуан се оженил за принцеса
4. The King’s Decisions — Царските присъди
5. Suan’s Good Luck — Късметът на Суан
6. The Presidente Who Had Horns — Губернаторът, който имал рога
7. The Two Friends — Двама приятели
8. The Miraculous Cow — Омагьосаната крава
9. King Tasio and His Servant Juan — Цар Тасио и слугата му Хуан
10. Masoy and the Ape — Масой и маймуната
11. The Fifty-One Thieves — Петдесетте и един разбойника
12. The Secret of Don Luzano — Тайната на дон Лусано
- Publication Date
- Nov 13, 2013
- Language
- English
- 9781291628623
- Category
- Education & Language
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Lina Bakalova, By (author): Nadejda Nakova, By (author): Anatoly Bukovsky
- Format