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Giving Birth To Your Purpose

Giving Birth To Your Purpose

What's Your Baby's Name?

ByAngela WheatleyManifested Truth

The fabric of our society is made up of labels and names. Although what society says doesn't matter much, how one perceives him or herself is important because a label or name can say a lot about a person, place or thing."What's Your Baby's Name?" by Angela Wheatley is a book that points to your purpose. She has creatively, and uniquely helped you identify your God-given assignments and purpose by teaching the importance of labels and names. Angela metaphorically compares living out your God-given purpose to a pregnant mother carrying a baby full-term. She uses the parable of pregnancy only to explain the idea of giving birth to promise. For example, during the first-trimester of pregnancy its not always visible to the naked eye, but the pregnant mother knows with certainty she has a life inside of her. Just as a mother knows with certainty, she's pregnant, you have been impregnated by the Holy Spirit to carry out a divine purpose. "What's Your Baby's Name?" will empower you to fulfill your assignment. Maybe you're experiencing a feeling of rejection that no one sees what's inside of you; be encouraged, don't give up, give birth to your purpose! Or, you maybe in your second trimester of your purpose and others can see what's inside of you, but there's discomfort. Things you were comfortable with are now feeling uncomfortable; you are feeling stretched out of your comfort zone. Beloved, don't run from the process because in the process Holy Spirit is molding and shaping your character. "What's Your Baby's Name?" will empower you to go through the process. Finally, "The Travail", and it's time to PUSH!"What's Your Baby's Name?" will empower you to PUSH through the pain, the fear, and the discomfort into your God-Given Purpose. (Psalms 139:16, Ephesian 2:10 AMP). Angela, a spiritual midwife has helped women and men to identify their purpose, stay in the process, and to PUSH! Yes, PUSH! PUSH! past the pain!


Publication Date
Nov 2, 2020
Religion & Spirituality
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Angela Wheatley, Edited by: Manifested Truth, Cover design or artwork by: Virginia Mckevitt



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