The Umbrella Academy is a series of graphic novels from the minds of Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba. This NYT best seller turned Netflix series centers around the lives of the Hargreeves family, children inexplicably born to random, unconnected women who first showed signs of pregnancy the day that they gave birth. After the death of their adopted patriarch, Sir Reginald Hargreeves, each of the extraordinary children reunites and unpacks their unique inner demons and traumas. From generational trauma to parasocial relationships, this book will explore the psychological underpinnings of The Umbrella Academy.
- Publication Date
- Aug 21, 2024
- Language
- English
- 9781304154095
- Category
- Education & Language
- Copyright
- Creative Commons NonCommercial, NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND)
- Contributors
- Edited by: Arienne Ferchaud, PhD
- Format