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Gods Truth For His Little Lamb "The Beginning"

Gods Truth For His Little Lamb "The Beginning"

ByBecky Ekstrand

For those who always knew there was more to Gods Word than what they were taught. For the parent who is a serious Bible student who wants to teach their child the truth of Our Fathers Word. For the young in Christianity to understand what Our Shepherd Yahshua, wants us to know. This book is a tool for parents who want their children to understand what the Hebrew and Greek languages reveal to us. What is the most important information that we need to teach our children? We need them to understand Gods Word, so that they can have peace of mind, and know how to get it, all through their lives. How does anyone have peace of mind? By being in Our Fathers Word, which is the Living Word. Jesus, Yahshua the Living Word wants us to know how to fight off that evil one. This is the first of more books to come.


Publication Date
Sep 30, 2011
Religion & Spirituality
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Becky Ekstrand



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