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An Army Dad's Guide to Peace and Happiness

An Army Dad's Guide to Peace and Happiness

ByBillie Wells

Can an Army Dad give you a life an Exceptional Life Beyond All Measure and Boundaries? My dad was an Army Dad, a mess hall sergeant. You know, the kind who gets you up at 5:30 am and who expect you to pull KP. But he also taught us how to keep going when big obstacles stand in your way. He taught us how to have a happy day almost each and every day. He taught us how to feel joy and to smile in the midst of sorrow. This is a little book with a big mission – it’s a book that shows us how to live a life beyond measure, a life any ordinary person can live right here and right now. In this book, you’ll learn to live your best life right where you are – whether you have no money or you’re in pain. My dad, injured on duty during maneuvers, used to crawl to bed when it was too painful to walk – with a smile on his face. You’ll learn how to have the heart of a soldier, ready to soar through each day and experience a life of purpose and joy.


Publication Date
Sep 28, 2011
Personal Growth
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Billie Wells



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