This guide is full of ways I've made money in Runescape to bring me to the 250,000,000 GP I have today. I try to come up with new ideas that few, if any people, have ever even heard of. What you're not going to find in this guide is a laundry list of things saying, “Uh yeah, go mine rune ore, cut magic logs, and fish sharks”. No, what I try to provide is a list of things that require as little work as possible, while making as much money as possible. This is the central point of my guide. If there is a sound way of making money that is well known, I try and make it simpler, faster, and more profitable.
- Publication Date
- May 15, 2010
- Language
- English
- Category
- Games
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Blackfox210 AKA Mik3izzle
- Format