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Kajomona - Soft Copy

Kajomona - Soft Copy

ByBlaise Tshibwabwa

Usually printed in 3 - 5 business days
… What good does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his soul… As young professionals, the goal is to study hard, get a good job, start a family, and enjoy life! Some are ready to do whatever it takes to make it, some are only ready to go a certain extent, some prefer to take things easy and wait for everything to land in their lap! Things can shape up pretty well and quick in life but when the foundation is not solid, it will all crumble apart. Fortunately, we all fall down and we all get up. The getting up is the most amazing experience one can go through in life, you want to get up so you don’t fall back down again, but for that, you must make the right choices and make the right partnership from the get go, so history gets to write and live a new era! Anthony, Freddy-D, Latisha and Ronald all made it in life, they all made different partnerships in the beautiful city of Toronto, but when the storm came, not all stood…


Publication Date
Jan 27, 2010
Religion & Spirituality
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Blaise Tshibwabwa


Binding Type
Paperback Perfect Bound
Interior Color
Black & White
US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)

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