Saucerian Publisher was founded with the mission of promoting books in Science Fiction. Our vision is to preserve the legacy of literary history by reprint editions of books which have already been exhausted or are difficult to obtain. Our goal is to help readers, educators and researchers by bringing back original publications that are difficult to find at reasonable price, while preserving the legacy of universal knowledge. This book is an authentic reproduction of the original printed text in shades of gray and may contain minor errors. Despite the fact that we have attempted to accurately maintain the integrity of the original work, the present reproduction may have minor errors beyond our control like: missing and blurred pages, poor pictures and markings. Because this book is culturally important, we have made available as part of our commitment to protect, preserve and promote knowledge in the world. This title is an authentic reproduction published by Bradfor M Day of AN INDEX on the WEIRD & FANTASTICA in MAGAZINES, 1953. This work is an exact reproduction of this title reprinted as facsimile edition. Please copy and paste the link for our books: https://saucerianbooks.blogspot.com/
- Publication Date
- Nov 22, 2022
- Language
- English
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- No Known Copyright (Public Domain)
- Contributors
- By (author): BRADFORD M. DAY
- Format