In Book Three, "Escape from Myridia," the three sisters discover their unique powers: Valerie has The Vision, Cynthia has The Strength, and Briana possesses the Gift.
Each girl must use her power in a different way, but unfortunately, when the "Ul Toriva" touches Ryan Magnus two unexpected things happen: Ryan learns that he is the "Gorbad Rovae" -- a War Wizard -- and Cynthia becomes Cynnara -- a fierce, unfeeling creature who cares about nothing and no one ...not even her own sisters.
And then Valerie makes an unpardonable mistake and it costs the girls more than anyone should ever have to pay.
Not even the Master Wizard of Myridia can help the girls now, for now their worst enemy is one themselves.
- Publication Date
- Nov 3, 2011
- Language
- English
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Charles C. Cordova
- Format