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Ice Age Flood Tour - Portland to Prosser, Grand Coulee and Back - Tenth Edition

Ice Age Flood Tour - Portland to Prosser, Grand Coulee and Back - Tenth Edition

ByCharles Robinson

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During my recent positions as an Interpretation Park Ranger at Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area, I became extremely interested in the Lake Missoula Ice Age Flood(s) that shaped the landscape of Eastern Washington and the Columbia River Gorge between Oregon and Washington. As a part of my position, we were encouraged to conduct research into the flood in order that we might explain or interpret the unique geologic features that are so evident in the park and the surrounding area. Lake Roosevelt is the lake behind Grand Coulee Dam. The lake now fills the Grand Coulee that was carved out by the massive Glacial Lake Missoula Flood(s) I was impressed by the fact that there are relatively few guides to the features of the flood in Washington. Also, what I was seeing seemed to contradict the view of many geologists that there were multiple floods, up to as many as 100. This interpretation also contradicted my view and that of many geologists commonly referred to as creationists. Their view of just one or at most a few floods is also more in keeping with my view as a Christian and belief that God created the heavens and the earth perhaps a few thousand years ago rather than having evolved over millions or billions of years. In the later editions, I have added more locations with photographs, directions and descriptions. I have added a view more pictures and descriptions to the Tenth Edition. The overall content, however, remains unchanged.


Publication Date
Feb 19, 2024
Travel & Adventure
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Charles Robinson


Binding Type
Paperback Perfect Bound
Interior Color
US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)

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