The Message is complete herein and in my other books, now imbibe and enjoy! Awakening To The Eternal State IS possible, Right Here and Right Now. This book points to a Space, an Infinity You Are: The Gift of Unknowing... wherein ONLY "God's Will" exists. In this Unknowing, when there is personal ignorance meeting Impersonal Nothingness, this Divine Godhead, the Fullness of The Eternal State, cracks the foundation on which the false is based and the no one remains who is either bound or liberated. Nonduality book author JD Hazlewood says, "Charlie Hayes is a sage who shoots straight to the heart of the matter with a no-nonsense approach that is consistent in its meaning and full of love. The potency of his pointers is that he never compromises the message by trying to appeal to some preconceived notions that the seeker may have, but points directly to What Is without apology.” … Thanks JD! Know this: "Thy Will be Done" is a FACT, not a "request."
- Publication Date
- Oct 27, 2011
- Language
- English
- Category
- Religion & Spirituality
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Charlie Hayes
- Format